ENT Doctor in Shalimar Garden
ENT Doctor in Shalimar Garden
ENT Doctor in shalimar garden, best ENT Doctor in shalimar garden available at Shreya Hospital. Best ENT Doctor Hospital in ghaziabad is Shreya Hospital in shalimar garden.
Department – Otorhinolaryngology(ENT)
Consultation Time: 04:00PM – 05:00PM
Otorhinolaryngology and ENT doctor at Shreya Hospital can identify and treat conditions in:
- Among the ear issues include infections, hearing loss, ear wax, tinnitus (a ringing in the ears syndrome)
- Ear cancer and balance issues.
- Sinusitis, allergies, nasal septum deviation, nasal cancer, obstructive sleep apnea, sinus polyps, nasal polyps.
- And impairments of taste and smell are only a few of the nose-related issues.
- Vocal cord dysfunctions, tonsil and adenoid infection.
- Throat cancer, and acid reflux related to GERD are all examples of throat issues.
- Migraines, diseases of the cranial nerves, tumours, facial injuries.
- Facial reconstructive surgery are only a few of the issues with the head and face.
ENT Doctor Treat Ears
Conditions that impair ear function can be as minor as wax buildup or as serious as congenital deafness. This section contains valuable information about how to protect your hearing, how to recognize indications of hearing disorders and what ENT-head and neck physicians can do to evaluate and treat these problems.
ENT Doctor Treat Throat
Maladies of the throat can be a mere nuisance or a major ordeal. Tonsillitis, voice disorders, and even hoarseness all interfere with our ability to communicate. Many of these conditions can be improved or corrected with the care of an ENT physician or nose and throat surgeon.
Nose and Mouth
Congestion, allergic rhinitis, a deviated septum and mouth sores are just a few of the varied health problems that occur in this region of the body. Information about ways you can relieve symptoms at home and when you should see a physician can be found in this section.
Head and Neck Surgery
Many surgical advances are being made in this area. Procedures such as tonsillectomy and facial plastic surgery are becoming less invasive and new procedures are being developed to treat serious problems such as cleft palate, sleep neap and deafness.
Hearing Services
Our audiologists specialize in hearing aid services, pure tone testing, pediatric hearing tests, industrial hearing conservation, custom ear protection, hearing loss testing, pure tone audio-metric and speech testing and other tests. Services and tests are listed in detail below.
ENT Doctor Perform Surgery
The Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital works with fully licensed, state-of-the-art outpatient surgical facility, capable of performing most outpatient procedures on patients without other serious health problems. The clinic has highly qualified physicians to perform and oversee your surgical care.
Opening Hours
- Monday 10:30 AM - 8:00 PM
- Tuesday 10:30 AM - 8:00 PM
- Wednesday 10:30 AM - 8:00 PM
- Thursday 10:30 AM - 8:00 PM
- Friday 10:30 AM - 8:00 PM
- Saturday 10:30 AM - 8:00 PM
- Sunday Closed